Work With Me

Welcome to My World of Passion and Purpose

I’ve dedicated years to working with organizations and individuals who share my commitment to protecting our planet’s incredible creatures. From volunteering at wildlife sanctuaries to the care of endangered species , I’ve immersed myself in the world of animal conservation. As a firefighter I’ve now found new pressing matters that also need the attention of those willing to help make a difference.


Do you represent an organization, business, or cause that aligns with my passions? Let’s explore potential partnerships that can amplify our collective impact.

Environmental Initiatives

Let’s join forces on projects that promote sustainability, wildlife preservation, and the betterment of the world around us.

Art for a Cause:

Join me in harnessing the power of art and creativity to raise funds for charitable causes.

Want to connect?

so do I

If any of the above opportunities resonate with you or if you have a unique collaboration idea in mind, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Together, we can turn our shared passions into meaningful action and change the world for the better.


Take a short stroll over to our other site helping pet owners who want to learn how to travel with their furry friends while saving a few bucks.